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Eucharistic Miracle in 2023 of the True Presence of the Living Flesh and Blood in Holy Communion

Among the miraculous events experienced by Iveta Fernandes at Batim, Goa (India) and abroad are the Eucharistic Miracles that are made manifest in her and witnessed by many.

The occurrences of these miraculous events have been testified by Iveta’s Spiritual Director Late Rev. James H Duffy. Most recently in 2023 in Foymount (Ontario) Iveta's Spiritual Advisor Rev. Fr. Antoine E. was a witness to this Miracle in the Holy Eucharist Consecrated by him and has written an account here.

For more details about these Miracles please click here.

The Blessed Virgin at Batim 30 Years of Prophecy, Warning, and Hope (1).jpg

Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Iveta Fernandes at Batim, Goa (1994-2024): A Call to Urgent Action and Reparation

As we approach the 30th anniversary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Iveta Cleophas Fernandes at Mount Batim, Goa on September 24, 2024, we stand at a pivotal moment in history. The messages delivered to Iveta over these three decades form a spiritual blueprint for our times, revealing urgent calls for prayer, reparation, and conversion, while also offering a prophetic glimpse into the tribulations that await the world if humanity fails to heed Our Lady's urgent warnings.

History of the Apparitions:

The first apparition occurred on September 24, 1994, when Iveta Fernandes, a simple woman chosen by Divine Providence, began receiving messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary. These messages were deeply prophetic, addressing the growing apostasy in the world and within the Church. Over the years, Iveta has experienced numerous apparitions and locutions, with the central themes revolving around reparation, prayer, suffering, and the impending chastisement or purification. Iveta, through her intense suffering, shares in the Passion of Christ, offering her suffering for the salvation of souls, much like victim souls throughout Church history.

The site at Mount Batim, Goa, has become a spiritual beacon where Our Lady continues to reveal her maternal heart to the world, emphasizing the importance of devotion to her Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. These apparitions are linked to other Marian apparitions, especially Fatima, Garabandal and Akita and serve as a continuation of Our Lady’s mission to save souls and warn humanity of the consequences of rejecting God.

The Messages and Warnings of Our Lady at Batim:

Since 1994, the messages delivered to Iveta have emphasized reparation, penance, and the urgency of prayer, especially the Rosary. The Blessed Virgin Mary stresses the importance of daily consecration to her Immaculate Heart as a means of protection in these perilous times. She also calls to daily entrust one’s children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady’s call echoes the message of Fatima: "Many souls go to hell because there are none to pray for them." At Batim, the Mother of God urges her children to offer prayers, sacrifices, and reparations for the conversion of sinners and to prevent and mitigate the impending chastisements.

Key Themes of the Messages:

1. Reparation for Sin: Our Lady laments the great sins of the world—abortion, immorality, and the abandonment of faith—and calls for reparation. On July 7, 2017, she said: "Beloved children, how My Immaculate Heart desires to be loved by all mankind! The Sacred Heart of Jesus is inflicted by ingratitude… I ask of you to do reparation by fasting and praying."

2. Consecration to the Immaculate Heart: Like Fatima, the apparitions at Batim call for consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a necessary spiritual refuge in these turbulent times. Our Lady reassures that her Immaculate Heart will protect those who consecrate themselves to her.


3. The Great Warning: One of the most significant prophecies revealed to Iveta is the impending  ‘Great Warning’, also referred to as the ‘Illumination of Conscience’. This divine event will allow every soul on Earth to see their sins as God sees them, offering a final opportunity for repentance before the great chastisements begin. On January 11, 2012, the Blessed Virgin warned: "Darkness will soon engulf the Earth, and the Illumination of Conscience will be granted by God's mercy."

4. The Fifth Marian Dogma: Our Lady has made a direct appeal for the proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma, which would declare her as ‘Mediatrix of All Graces, Co-Redemptrix, and Advocate. The proclamation of this dogma is crucial for releasing a torrent of grace to humanity. Mary’s role in the salvation of souls must be recognized for the triumph of her Immaculate Heart to take place. On April 13, 2017, Our Lady revealed: "I await your prayers on earth and to be proclaimed that I may dispense these Graces upon you My beloved children to endure the wrath of God when it breaks forth. Amen."

5. Warnings of War and Persecution: Similar to Fatima, Akita and Garabandal, the messages at Batim warn of an upcoming ‘World War III’ and the persecution of Christians. In a vision, Iveta saw ‘three-quarters of the Earth destroyed’, with only a ‘remnant’ remaining to rebuild the Church. Our Lady foretells a time of great suffering for the Church, with persecution rising from both within and outside the Church. This is a time when the faithful will need to form the "underground Church," staying faithful to tradition amidst great apostasy. 

6. The Remnant and the Era of Peace: After the purification, only a remnant—those who have remained faithful to the teachings of Christ and consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart—will survive. These will help usher in the Era of Peace promised at Fatima, where the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will reign. This remnant will live in a renewed Church, purified from sin and apostasy.


Connection to the Messages of Fatima, Garabandal and Akita:

The apparitions at Batim draw a direct line to the messages of Fatima, Akita, and Garabandal, continuing the theme of urgent warnings and calls for conversion. The messages at Fatima in 1917 warned of the rise of communism, the spread of its errors, and the necessity of reparation and prayer, especially through the First Five Saturdays Devotion. Similarly, at Batim, Our Lady emphasizes reparation, warning of future wars and persecutions, and calls for devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a means of protection.

At Garabandal, Our Lady prophesied the coming Warning, Miracle, and Chastisement. The Warning, revealed at both Garabandal and Batim, is the Great Illumination of Conscience, during which each soul will be given a chance to repent. Following the Warning, a great Miracle will occur, which will be visible at Garabandal and also at Mount Batim, as revealed in the messages to Iveta Fernandes. This Miracle will be a visible sign of God's mercy and of the Blessed Virgin's intercession.

Akita, Japan, shares similar themes with Fatima, Garabandal, and Batim, especially regarding warnings of chastisements if humanity does not repent. In 1973, Our Lady of Akita gave Sister Agnes Sasagawa apocalyptic warnings of fire falling from the sky, widespread destruction, and the punishment of both the good and the bad if people did not repent. She foretold divisions within the Church and a time of great tribulation where the faithful would have to endure suffering. These warnings resonate with Batim's messages of persecution and tribulation, where the faithful must form the remnant Church to withstand the coming trials.

In all four apparitions—Fatima, Garabandal, Akita, and Batim—the call for prayer, reparation, and conversion is paramount. The prophecies stress the importance of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially in times of moral and spiritual crisis. Akita’s warnings of apostasy within the Church and the necessity of penance echo the prophetic voices heard at Garabandal and Batim, where Our Lady warns of widespread spiritual decay and confusion even among Church leaders.

Application of Catholic Truths to the Prophecies:

The Church teaches that private revelations, such as those given to Iveta Fernandes, must always be tested by the Deposit of Faith—Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium. However, the messages given at Batim reinforce foundational Catholic teachings, particularly regarding:

- The ‘urgency of repentance’ and turning away from sin.

- The call for ‘devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary’, consistent with Church-approved devotions.

- The necessity of ‘reparation’ for sin and the ‘importance of prayer’, particularly the Rosary.

- The eschatological warnings, similar to the prophetic passages found in the Book of Revelation, concerning the purification of the Church and the world before the ‘Second Coming of Christ’.

Catholic Truth encourages us to always be spiritually prepared, as Christ Himself tells us to "watch and pray" (Matthew 26:41), and the messages at Batim serve as a divine reminder to live in a state of grace, ready for the tribulations that may soon come.

Current Geo-Political Events and the Message of Batim:

The world today seems to be walking the path foretold in the messages of Batim. Political instability, moral relativism, and the erosion of religious values have become prevalent. In light of recent events such as the ongoing wars, rising tensions between world powers, and widespread secularization, the message of Batim becomes even more pertinent.

Mary has warned of the dangers of One World Government and a One World Religion, which are indicative of the anti-Christ’s rule. These developments align with today’s global movements toward centralized control, eroding national sovereignty and, importantly, suppressing the practice of the Christian faith. Many of Mary’s warnings have pointed to the manipulation of society, including the dangers of technological surveillance, the rise of materialism, and the threat of totalitarianism, all leading to a great spiritual war​.

Furthermore, as seen in recent years, the global health crisis and the subsequent societal changes reflect some of the concerns raised in these apparitions. Messages from Batim have warned about the moral and spiritual dangers associated with certain medical interventions and vaccines, urging the faithful to stay vigilant and prayerful​. Mary speaks of the ongoing spiritual confusion and how even within the Church, some will fall into error, leading the faithful astray.

What Must We Do?

As we commemorate the ‘30th anniversary’ of these profound apparitions, the faithful are called to:

1. Pray the Rosary daily and participate in the First Saturdays devotion.

2. Consecrate themselves and their families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

3. Offer reparation for the sins of the world, including fasting, penance, and sacrifice.

4. Spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and pray for the proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma, as it will release an outpouring of grace necessary for enduring the coming trials.

5. Prepare spiritually for the Great Warning by staying in a state of grace and receiving the sacraments regularly.


As the world faces increasing moral and spiritual darkness, the messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Iveta Fernandes at Batim are more relevant and urgent than ever. These messages, like those of Fatima, Akita and Garabandal, call for a return to God through ‘prayer, reparation, and consecration’. The 30th anniversary of these apparitions is a reminder that we are living in critical times, where the choices we make today will determine the course of future events.

As Our Lady said on October 15, 2016: Beloved children, know and understand now, you are entering a great heavy moment upon Earth. The fury of God is kindled, yet through your prayers I can buy this moment for more time for conversion of many of My children that are astray. It is upon you I lay this yoke to pray for all your brothers and sisters. Do not give up! There is hope always in God. I Love you dearly. Let us heed her call with urgency, knowing that through the  devotion to her Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Church will be purified, and we will witness the ultimate triumph of Her Heart, bringing about the long-promised ‘Era of Peace’.

Iveta Cleophas Fernandes, the visionary of Batim and a simple and humble lady has been chosen by Divine Providence to be an 'instrument' through whom God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary wishes to make known His Salvific Plan for Our World.

This is in the context of the predicted times and the strategic role of the Immaculate Heart in obtaining peace for the world through the fulfillment of the Fatima Message: "Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask graces from Her and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to Her."

A Message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to ' Her Chosen Sons' the Priests

To  the Batim (Goa) Visionary Iveta Cleophas Fernandes has been revealed Prophetic Warnings for Our World which are published in the Book: Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory. This book brings to life the Prophecies of Fatima and unfolds the Book of Revelation.
It reveals that great powers are given to the ‘adversary’ in these times and speaks of the Great Tribulation and of the Birth pangs of the Great Apostasy. (Click on bottom Rt icon of the video for sound)
This book also contains prophetic messages of the impending Schism of the Catholic Church and of the Persecution that will befall to purify the Church before the promised Era of peace!
In revealing the spiritual battle that we are currently engaged in, the messages contained in this book give us a spiritual roadmap for the times ahead and calls for the proclamation of the fith Marian Dogma: 'Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate'.

The Book ‘Suffering and the Thesis of Purgatory’ released in February 2021 shows the splendour of God’s Mercy that is inseparable from God’s Justice, and it foretells of a disaster that will happen if we do not choose conversion and if we go on ‘playing God’. It also describes the great danger of the schism of the Catholic Church - that originates in the refusal to accept the ministry of Pope Francis and foreshadows the persecution that could result.

The Book is now translated in French, Spanish and Italian languages and available worldwide. Please Click on the video to view.

Please click our Youtube channel or Rumble channel to watch more videos (Alternatively they can be viewed in the publication page of this website)

This Book is now available in English, Italian, Spanish & French and is available with: Amazon Books  (Check Amazon in your own country) as well as with Apple iBook  | Booktopia |Kobo Books |Barnes and NobleAbebooks Bookdepositry and other stores. The Konkani version of the book is currently under translation. (Please search by the Book title in the language you desire or type in 'Iveta Fernandes Book' in the search tool of your web browser or in the online bookseller website) This book can also  be read online here.

The Relevance of the Devotion of  

‘The Sacred Heart of Jesus and

The Immaculate Heart of Mary’  

for our times as revealed by 

The Blessed Virgin Mary 

to the seer Iveta Fernandes 

Our Blessed Mother in a message through Iveta has requested the 40 hour Devotion to the The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This devotion begins on Friday, The First Friday of each Month, known as Devotion to The Sacred Heart of JESUS, and ending into the day, known as The First Saturday, devotion to My Immaculate Heart. These devotions have come into being, to bring The Grace of Reparation for The Offences committed against The Sacred Heart of JESUS, and The Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The prayers begin at 8:00 A.M. (Indian time) 1st Friday of each month and end 12:00 Midnight on the First Saturday of each month, but can be said at any time so long as the intention is met. These devotions have come into being, to bring The Grace of Reparation for The Offences committed against The Sacred Heart of JESUS, and The Immaculate Heart of Mary.

"It is important to understand this manner of prayer. It is not a burden; it will be each one taking an hour to pray.  This devotion is most efficacious before JESUS in The Blessed Sacrament.” Click here for further details.

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The role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in forming 'The Remnant' is presented here in the context of the present chastisement and in relation to the prophecies coming out of Batim, Goa (India)

At Batim, Goa, Our Blessed Lord, through Iveta also describes to us the role of  the Blessed Virgin Mary for our times: - "Mother I wish that even when You come home to Me in Heaven, Body and Soul, Your role will be to prepare for My Second Coming but first you will prepare My children in these times of great persecution against My Church for this generation who otherwise would be cursed by My Father. But I have suffered this night and this day for them" (Message of March 30th, 2018)

The Role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the time of the Great Persecution

"Mother I wish that even when You come home to Me in Heaven, Body and Soul, Your role will be to prepare for My Second Coming but first You will prepare My children in these times of great persecution against My Church for this generation who otherwise would be cursed by My Father. But I have suffered this night and this day for them" – Jesus to His Beloved Mother, describing the role of Mary, Beloved Mother of Jesus and Our Mother – in the time of the Great Persecution

 - Message of March 30th, 2018

A simple way ot console Our Lady is to make Acts of Reparation, to make the First Five Saturdays and to offer our prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners - St John Paul II

"One day, Brother Angelus, to your Order of Carmel the Most Blessed Virgin Mary will give a devotion to be known as the Brown Scapular, and to my Order of Preachers she will give a devotion to be known as the Rosary. AND ONE DAY, THROUGH THE ROSARY AND THE SCAPULAR, SHE WILL SAVE THE WORLD." - St Dominic

" I love you dearly I Am The Mother of God, The Mediatrix of All Graces,  Co-Redemptrix, I Am The Immaculate Conception, I Am your Mother,Amen.” Message of April 27th 2011

In accordance with the directives of Pope Urban VIII and the new Vatican guidelines outlined in "Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena," we do not intend to pre-empt the judgment of the Holy Apostolic See and the Church regarding the apparitions reported by us. We fully submit to and accept the Church's final decision without reservation.

an image of Church of Sts Simon & Jude Batim Goa India
an image of Fatima Day Celebration Batim Goa India
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The imposing Church on the Ganxim hilltop was constructed by the Augustinian Archbishop D.Frei Aleixo de Menezes between 1596-1610 and was dedicated to the apostles St.Simon and St. Jude. The Church and cemetery stood lonely and rejected -utterly isolated for over 200 yrs since the infamous plague that struck the region more than 200 yrs ago. Church services have since begun since 1993 following an apparition of the Virgin Mary to Mrs Iveta Fernandes.


2.30 pm: Rosary and Divine Mercy

3.30 pm: Adoration

4.00pm: Holy Mass.

The Service will be Telecast live and recorded on the CCR TV Channel, Panjim, Goa (For queries please whatsapp 98229 81418)


Panaji: Departs from Pharmacy College, Main gate (Whatsapp: 98230 20601)

Calangute: Departs from Dolphin Circle, Near Calangute Church (Ph: 76200 46620)

Please Contact:

Mob / Whatsapp: +91 9822981418


The Church of St Simon and St Jude, Gancim-Batim is in need of urgent Church repairs. If you wish to heed the call of  Our Blessed Mother for the Church to be rebuilt (Message of 24th Sept 2019) and wish to help financially, please click here for more information

May Mother Mary bless you, protect you and bring you to the abode of Her Beloved Son Jesus.

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