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The Great Schism and Iveta Fernandes:

A Spiritual Odyssey of Faith, Suffering, and Divine Revelation

In the annals of spiritual history, moments come when Heaven reaches out to guide, warn, or console humanity. One such profound instance is the divine revelation given to Iveta Fernandes, a visionary who has been the recipient of messages from Our Blessed Virgin Mary. The revelations touch upon a topic that has long been considered a wound on the Body of Christ—schism within the Church. This article aims to delve into the divine communications received by Iveta, the sufferings she undergoes for the Holy Father, and the urgent call for prayer and reparation from the faithful.

The Warning:

The Blessed Virgin Mary, through the visionary Iveta, warns:

“My beloved children, I now as your heavenly Mother warn you of a great evil that is tearing the internal forum of the Catholic Church under the disguise of living the Orthodox nature of the Catholic Church, yet dismantling themselves from the Holy Father, the head of the Catholic Church. How then will you see beloved children? This I speak to My faithful and My chosen sons and daughters also involved in this movement called schism".

Further Assurance:

The message also dispels any circulating myths that the current Pope is an anti-Pope or anti-Christ:

“I assure you that this reigning Pope is neither the anti Pope nor the anti Christ. He is coming soon and will sit on the throne of Peter as a desolate sacrilegious. His reign must come to be that the power and glory of God will come to be known. Yet fear not! I am with you. I will walk with you, I will run with you and I will carry you to skip these moments of darkness. Only Entrust all into My Immaculate Heart. Amen.”

The Divine Message: A Warning and a Plea:

In a poignant dialogue with Jesus, Iveta is warned about the looming schism in the Church—a schism unlike any before. Jesus conveys His sadness over those betraying His Vicar on Earth, the Holy Father, likening their betrayal to that of Judas Iscariot.

Jesus speaks to Iveta soul-to-soul: "These are those who will betray the Holy Father, My Peter, for they do not understand The Will of God. This is the betrayal of My Peter, and by doing so, they are betraying Me. This is human thinking that has embraced to be like God, the demonic will, and yet they do not know."

The loneliness Jesus describes is not merely the absence of companionship; it represents the spiritual desolation that lukewarm souls will bring by joining the forces leading to this schism. These are souls who, once faithful, now walk a path of misunderstanding and falsehood, causing immense pain to the Holy Father and, by extension, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The Consequence of Ignoring the Warning:

The act of distancing oneself from the Holy Father, while clinging to a self-fashioned orthodoxy, is not merely an individual choice but has a communal impact. It threatens to divide the Church and perpetuates an environment ripe for spiritual decay, schisms, and ultimately, separation from the core truth of the Catholic faith.

The Schism and Jesus' Message of Mercy, Love, and Faith:

According to the message from Jesus to Iveta, the schism represents a fundamental misunderstanding and rejection of the principles of Mercy, Love, and Faith. Those involved in the schism "know all about [Jesus], they know the ways, yet they do not understand Mercy and Love, and they have no Faith!" Jesus continues “Faith is born with Mercy and Love in each Soul. When you do not deprive the Soul of Love for God, in the littleness of humbling yourselves and not exploiting yourselves to play God and Love for one another in Mercy that is forgiving, you will grow in faith and become rich in Love! It is then that Me and My Father will come to dwell in your Soul.  We will abide in you and you in Us! It is in this faith you will be born to a new life  with Me and My Father, and here My Mother will be with you. Through Her Immaculate Heart you will pass through this understanding and shed all that chokes you and blocks you of the True Faith and Love, embracing My Mercy!”

Furthermore Jesus describes these individuals as empty bones, having severed themselves from the "Life and Blood giving line of Sacramental Grace" that exists in the Church's legitimate authority, symbolized by Peter. The schismatics are likened to the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes who rejected Jesus despite witnessing His miracles and teachings. They are "lukewarm Souls" who choose not to change, thereby missing the richness of faith born from Mercy and Love.

The Underground Church: Formation and Significance:

The concept of an "Underground Church" is raised as a future possibility due to the "evil of Schism that will tear the Church and bring it to ruins." This Underground Church is not explicitly described but would presumably be a community of faithful who adhere to the true teachings of the Catholic Church when the institutional Church has been torn asunder by schism and heresy. Its formation would likely require a steadfast commitment to orthodoxy, a decentralized but unified structure, and a willingness to endure persecution for holding onto traditional beliefs.

Schismatics Leading Others to Perdition:

Our Lady's messages to Iveta warn that the schismatics are leading others down a dangerous path. These individuals have come to be known as 'schismatics' and are misleading others into believing their own spirit is that of the Holy Spirit. They are cautioned not to consider themselves "above the law," and are warned that their pride and lawlessness will result in the Holy Spirit being taken away from them

Iveta's Sufferings for the Holy Father:

Iveta Fernandes is not just a messenger but also a participant in this divine drama. She bears what is called the "hidden suffering," a mysterious co-suffering with Christ, Our Redeemer and Our Blessed Mother, the Co-Redemptrix. These sufferings are for the Holy Father, who is under immense stress due to false accusations and the divisive actions within the Church.

Our Lady's messages to Iveta illuminate the immense suffering she endures for the Holy Father. Iveta finds herself in a state of agony and agitation, yet she remains steadfast, participating in the broader spiritual struggle to ransom souls back to God. Iveta is one of many 'Victim Souls' who bear the weight of the schism and its impact on the Church.

Role of the Faithful in Mitigating the Harm of the Schism: The Call for Prayer, Reparation and Devotion:

The faithful have a pivotal role in mitigating the harm caused by the schism. Our Blessed Mother urges us to pray many Rosaries, to remain faithful, and to be on guard against the sin of gossip. Through repentance and reconciliation, facilitated by the gift of Holy Confession, the schismatics can return to the Church under the true shepherd, the Holy Father. Reparation is vital to atone for the sins of disbelief, sacrilege, and the various offenses against both the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Consoling Jesus becomes particularly efficacious in these times, given the prevalence of sin, especially the "culture of death" exemplified by abortion. Our Lady emphasizes the need for reparation for the sins of abortion, considered the most "repulsive" to God. The suffering that Iveta is enduring is also contributing to this reparation.

Our Lady also calls for prayers for the conversion of souls who have abandoned the Church. These prayers, combined with the faithful's dedication to remain true to the teachings of the Catholic Church, can bring about a state of spiritual harmony even in these tumultuous times.

The Blessed Virgin also highlights the need for the proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma: Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. This proclamation is crucial for the Church to fully recognize the role of the Blessed Mother in the economy of salvation and to avail itself fully of the graces that God wishes to bestow through Her.



This divine revelation is a call to unity and obedience. It is a plea to recognize the authority vested in the Holy Father and to remain committed to the fundamental tenets of the Catholic Church.

The messages from Jesus and Our Lady provide a sobering look at the state of the Church today. The schism is portrayed as a grave mistake, a deliberate choice to reject Mercy, Love, and Faith. It serves as a warning for the faithful, urging them to embrace the true teachings of the Church, to be wary of those who claim to know better, and to prepare for difficult times ahead, possibly in the form of an Underground Church. It is a call for unity, humility, and a return to the foundational virtues of Mercy, Love, and Faith.

The messages call for prayer reparation, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma are not mere suggestions; they are urgent spiritual imperatives. It is also, above all, a call to entrust ourselves into the Immaculate Heart of Mary, under whose protection and guidance the Church can navigate these challenging times, as prophesised in Fatima and Batim.


As the schism unfolds, its consequences will not just be ecclesial but will resonate in the hearts and souls of the faithful. May we heed the divine revelations given to Iveta and act with urgency, fortified by our devotion and prayers, to diminish the effects of this great schism. Amen.

​In accordance with the directives of Pope Urban VIII and the new Vatican guidelines outlined in "Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena," we do not intend to pre-empt the judgment of the Holy Apostolic See and the Church regarding the apparitions reported by us. We fully submit to and accept the Church's final decision without reservation.

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