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“...You have walked with fidelity for a quarter of a century with Me and yet there is much to accomplish..”
The Visitation of Our Lady at the 25th Batim Apparition Anniversary Celebrations
It was indeed a great honour and privilege to have the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God 'Visit' her children at Batim on 24th September 2019 on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the First Apparition .
About 1500 of the faithful including 10 priests attended this supernatural event at the call and invitation of Our Heavenly Mother in a message given many months ago to the visionary Iveta Fernandes.
Among those present at the Holy Mount were also thousands who joined the service online as the event was streamed live through Youtube, thanks to Agnelo Lobo. Though there were some broadcast freezes and buffers, Mt Batim not having the best internet bandwith, the event was certainly a fruitful and a blessed experience for those thousands around the world viewing on Youtube. Prayer intentions and gratitude were expressed by many on the Youtube chatlines and I'm sure Our Blessed Mother would have noted these petitions!
The Prayer Service began at the Church of Sts Simon and Jude with the Stations of the Cross at 1pm followed by the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Prayers and the Holy Rosary. Just before 3pm, the faithful followed Iveta and Felix Fernandes to the Holy grounds outside the Church where the Holy Rosary, St. Michael's Prayer and other prayers were said. The atmosphere was prayerful as many of the devout meditated and looked towards the heavens waiting in anticipation for Our Lady to appear at any moment. Our Blessed Mother never fails in Her promise and in a little while appeared to Iveta, as noted on the radiance of Iveta when she exclaimed that Our Heavenly Mother is now appearing.
‘..She is dressed in all white......’, exclaims Iveta. ‘..She has a tiara in her crown and a cross on the tiara.... She is unusual... Her Immaculate Heart is wide open... Her arms are in this position (Iveta indicating open arms) as She comes down and She has the Catholic Church - the Vatican - in Her Immaculate Heart. Here She is. She is greeting all of you as She bows and She seems to go all around, greeting all of you, an unusual moment. A Grace is being bestowed upon all Her Priests, a light from Her Immaculate Heart is piercing the heart of all Her Priests present here and the brides of Christ, Her immaculate daughters. She comes ... She comes... and here She is....’ Iveta exclaims beaming with joy and kneeling - looking towards heaven and holding a bouquet of red roses for Our Heavenly Mother.
"My beloved children, My beloved chosen Sons, My beloved chosen daughters. How pleasing an odour you are to me. You have gathered in such large numbers. If you only understood this moment, you are the force that will go forth in these hours of darkness against the culture of death to build the culture of life as God intended it from the beginning".
Speaking about the 25yrs of Batim, Our Blessed Mother says: “...You have walked with fidelity for a quarter of a century with Me and yet there is much to accomplish… God never fails in his promise.." The Consecration prayer to Our Lady is very dear to Her and at Batim that afternoon Our Lady comes "...reminding all mothers once again who are failing to consecrate their children by name every morning and to entrust them to into My Immaculate Heart. I will take care of them..."
Our Lady also speaks about the the well at the side of Church.. " ....the well - that contained the Holy water to bring forth prodigies and healings - first spiritual and then physical - must be re-blessed by My beloved chosen sons present here for the waters were tampered. God neither deceives, nor can He be deceived. Know and understand - this well is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Such is the conversion of sinners that will come to drink of this water and the Custodian is St Michael. Yet unless God issues an order, he cannot do anything, except watch in suffering as I do."
For her chosen ones - Her priests, Our Lady: "..My beloved chosen sons, upon you rests the weight of the terrible darkness, yet fear not! Know and understand the power entrusted by God to you.. .your office is of a higher office... Do not compromise. Only know, that you have the power to exorcise all these children out of the spirit of darkness and bring them into the spirit of light.." She also speaks to her priests about the "...sacramental grace awarded and entrusted unto you by Jesus.... to carry this mission..." ".. I beg of you to come upon this mountain and administer the pastoral care needed for the sheep that will come who are in distress and need your help.." Our Beloved mother also describes Her intentions for the Church at Mt Batim indicating a new direction for the church at Mt. Batim: ".. this Holy Church, once a full and living Tabernacle of God, bringing souls back to God, that lies in state of semi ruins, be rebuilt and consecrated to Me under the title: "Mary, Mother of the Church, Our Lady of Mt Ganxim-Batim". In an appeal to help rebuild this church, Our Lady makes an appeal: "I ask all my beloved children now present here and all those who are watching this moment through electronic devices made possible, to carry this yoke as Simon of Cyrene did. With your help, this Church will be rebuilt and you will understand its meaning in the days ahead"
Later on in the Message Our Lady asks Iveta: 'Do you understand the Church into my immaculate Heart? 'No Mother, how can I, I am only a child', Iveta exclaims. Our Lady proceeds: "I will protect the Church...When this Church is rebuilt, I desire with great desire that it be entrusted into the custody of the order known as 'the Carmelite Order'. The understanding is this - is simple. The Medal of All Grace Scapular has its origin in the Carmelite Scapular - that is my Garment".
It appears that much of the Message relates to the local church at Mt Batim, the domestic church and the Catholic church in general. Our Blessed Mother spoke about "the vices that came to be upon these premises.... they were allowed by God for you that you may understand the seriousness and the damage that lies in the domestic church." The vices and 'devices' - the damage that Our Lady is referring to here is result of the 'destitute and homeless people' that were allowed to live for a while in the premises of Holy grounds at Batim. This analogy could also allude to the state of the Catholic Church and the likelihood of a "Schism" in the Catholic Church as further in Her message, Our Lady speaks of a " Great evil that is tearing the internal forum of the Catholic Church......"
“...I now as your Heavenly Mother warn you of a great evil that is tearing the internal forum of the Catholic Church under the disguise of living the 'Orthodox nature of the Catholic Church', yet dismantling themselves from the Holy Father - the Head of the Catholic Church. How then will you see beloved children ? This I speak to My faithful and my chosen sons and daughters also involved in this movement called..
(Iveta sighs as she finds it difficult and struggles to pronounce the word) - SCHISM (pronouncing it in different ways, as Our Lady reassures her to continue) I assure you that this reigning Pope is neither the anti-Pope nor the anti-Christ. He is coming soon and will sit on the throne of Peter as the desolate sacrilegious. His reign must come to be that the power and glory of God will come to be known. Yet fear not! I am with you, I will walk with you, I will run with you and I will carry you to skip these moments of darkness. Only Entrust all into My Immaculate Heart. Amen."
This prophetic revelation and warning from Our Lady of Mt Ganxim-Batim (this is the first time that Our Lady is being invoked under this title) is made poignant with the vision to Iveta of the ' Vatican inside the Immaculate Heart of Mary' at the onset of the Visitation of Our Blessed Mother at Batim - indicating the dark times ahead for the Church- and more importantly so - the protection of Our Blessed Mother!.
Our Lady does make a mention of the local government and in a reconcialiatory tone asks for fogiveness... '... walk and work in Harmony to build the culture of life and you will see the fruits of this moment..I am your heavenly Mother, you have yet to know Me, but I know you and I love you and I assure you I will pray for you every moment....' She says to the non-catholics.
It is easy to discern that the Messages that Iveta speaks out loud at these Divine Moments (Moments of Apparitions) at Batim, are not Iveta's personal messages or coming from her human self - but that they are 'supernatural'. Whilst speaking these messages, unmindful of the happenings on the ground, Iveta's eyes are fixed up in an upward gaze at the Divine subject/Apparition that only she is gifted to behold. Her relaying of these messages at the time of Divine intervention is firm, confident, consistent- with smooth speech and appropriate intonation. There is no thought processing from Iveta as these Messages - are spoken by the Blessed Virgin Mary - through Iveta and spoken in the fist-person narrative.
Our Lady also speaks of being faithful to the Holy Father, the Pope and cautions of the 'dark times' ahead - reminiscent of the Fatima Secret. She also reminds us of consecrating ourselves daily to Her Immaculate Heart. This is in the context of protection for the times ahead through Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
She ends her message with: “... I love you dearly. I am the Mother of God, the Mediatrix of all Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate in Heaven, awaiting to be proclaimed here on earth. Amen."
The main celebrant at Holy Mass was Fr Simiao Fernandes from the Pastoral Institute, who preached on the character and purpose of Marian Apparitions. Fr Conceicao D'Silva also spoke and Fr Ubaldo Fernandes the Parish Priest joined in with a Hymn which he sang solo. Mr Edwin Noronha, who was one of those present among the many faithful that gathered at the First Apparition at Mt Batim in 1994 also spoke on behalf of the many devotees.
The Batim team would like to thank all those involved in the preparation for this great event - Clergy and laity alike and for heeding to the call of Our Lady to be present. We appreciate the effort and time that Iveta and Felix have taken to come from Canada in keeping with their calling and mission to reveal Our Lady's Supreme role in Salvation that God has entrusted Her with as Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix (with JESUS The Redeemer) and Advocate before JESUS Her Divine Son, The Divine Judge.
It is at this juncture and present time in Redemption History and God’s Salvific Plan , that Divine Providence wills that these messages be made known! – for ‘we are entering what has come to be known in the book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse, of the times predicted' (Batim, May 13, 2013)
The public, prophetic revelations given at Batim by the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God are not private revelations. They are for all of humanity. They are not to be confused with 'Revelation' or the Deposit of Faith which ended with the death of the last Apostle. These public prophetic revelations must not be despised and we should hold fast to what Our Lady told us at Batim – 'Batim lies under the shadow of Fatima and is the forerunner of future events' (Our Lady's Message on 13th Oct 2016, Batim). While the Messages of Fatima and Batim may not strictly be required of Catholics as an article of faith, one would be very foolish to disregard such an obvious authentic message from Heaven. As St. Paul taught: 'Despise not prophecies, but prove all things; hold fast to that which is good.' (1 Thess. 5:20-21)
In accordance with the directives of Pope Urban VIII and the new Vatican guidelines outlined in "Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena," we do not intend to pre-empt the judgment of the Holy Apostolic See and the Church regarding the apparitions reported by us. We fully submit to and accept the Church's final decision without reservation.

The imposing Church on the Ganxim hilltop was constructed by the Augustinian Archbishop D.Frei Aleixo de Menezes between 1596-1610 and was dedicated to the apostles St.Simon and St. Jude. The Church and cemetery stood lonely and rejected -utterly isolated for over 200 yrs since the infamous plague that struck the region more than 200 yrs ago. Church services have since begun since 1993 following an apparition of the Virgin Mary to Mrs Iveta Fernandes.
2.30 pm: Rosary and Divine Mercy
3.30 pm: Adoration
4.00pm: Holy Mass.
The Service will be Telecast live and recorded on the CCR TV Channel, Panjim, Goa (For queries/ sponsoring please whatsapp 98229 81418)
Transport: Bus leaves at 1.30pm from
Panaji: Pharmacy College, Main gate (Whatsapp: 98230 20601)
Calangute: Dolphin Circle, Near Calangute Church (Ph: 76200 46620)
Margao: Petrol Pump, Opp Municipal Garden (Ph: 94207 12310)
Please Contact:
Mob / Whatsapp: +91 9822981418
Email: celciodias86@gmail.com
The Church of St Simon and St Jude, Gancim-Batim is in need of urgent Church repairs. If you wish to heed the call of Our Blessed Mother for the Church to be rebuilt (Message of 24th Sept 2019) and wish to help financially, please click here for more information
May Mother Mary bless you, protect you and bring you to the abode of Her Beloved Son Jesus.