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The Path to Recognizing Mary's Role:
Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate
"Now I desire to make known My desire that you pray and petition your Holy Father, My beloved Chosen Son, Peter My Peter The Rock on which The Church today stands, His Holiness Pope Francis I in union with Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, the hidden Pope to proclaim My Blessed Mother as Mediatrix of All Grace, Co- Redemptrix and Advocate. It is then that Heaven will open and dispense the Graces necessary for all God's children to fortify you for these moments. I AM JESUS of Nazareth The High Priest, True God and True Man. I love you all My brethrens. Amen. Amen.”
- Message given through Iveta at Batim, Goa on 14th October 2016
The Catholic Church has a long and careful process for validating divine messages and apparitions to ensure that any promoted teachings or devotions are sound and beneficial for the faithful. This prudent approach can lead to initial scepticism of messages later embraced and validated. This journey highlights the tension between caution and faith in divine providence, especially regarding the request for proclaiming Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.
Historical Context of Marian Titles and the Fifth Marian Dogma
Marian Titles: Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate
1. Co-Redemptrix:
- Emphasizes Mary’s unique participation in the redemption process alongside Jesus Christ, stemming from her role in His birth and Passion.
- Used by various popes, including Pope Pius XI and Pope St. John Paul II, the latter of whom referred to Mary as "Co-Redemptrix" multiple times in his writings and speeches.
2. Mediatrix:
- Highlights Mary's role as a mediator interceding for humanity, noted in the Second Vatican Council's "Lumen Gentium," acknowledging Mary’s intercessory role, describing her as “Advocate, Auxiliatrix, Adjutrix, and Mediatrix.”
- "Mediatrix" refers to Mary’s role as a mediator who intercedes on behalf of humanity to her son, Jesus Christ. The title emphasizes Mary’s role in the distribution of graces.
- Supported historically by popes like Leo XIII and Pius XII.
3. Advocate:
- Affirms Mary's ongoing intercession for the faithful, recognized traditionally within the Church. It is based on Mary’s role in salvation history and her continuous intercession in Heaven for the needs of the Church and its members. (Click here for reference)
Fifth Marian Dogma: The proposed dogma would officially define Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate, formally recognizing roles already acknowledged in Church tradition and magisterial teaching.
The Current Situation: Amsterdam and Batim
Our Lady of All Nations, Amsterdam
- Negative Ruling: The devotion to Our Lady of All Nations centres on the messages and apparitions received by Ida Peerdeman in Amsterdam from 1945 to 1959. In the apparitions of Our Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary requested the proclamation of the dogma of Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. The messages conveyed to Ida Peerdeman included a call for the Church to recognize these roles formally. This request was part of the broader message urging the faithful to pray for the Holy Spirit to renew the world and prevent degeneration, disaster, and war.
In July 2024, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) made public the negative and definitive 1974 judgment of its Cardinal Members, who unanimously agreed to declare the non-supernaturality of the alleged apparitions of "Our Lady of All Nations" of Amsterdam.
- Continued Devotion: Despite the Vatican's negative ruling on the supernatural nature of these apparitions, the associated prayer and image remain approved for veneration.
Iveta Fernandes, Batim
- Call for Dogma: The core message of the apparitions to Iveta Fernandes of Batim, Goa, is centred around calls for prayer, repentance, and conversion, consistent with many other recognised Marian apparitions throughout history. Specific aspects of the messages to Iveta also include a call for the proclamation of the dogma of Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate, and rekindling of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Preparation for the end times. The call for the proclamation of this dogma, seeks to formally recognize Mary's unique role and to inspire the faithful to unite their sufferings with Christ’s, echoing the call to co-redemption found in Colossians 1:24. Through prayer, penance, and consecration to Mary, believers are invited to collaborate in the ongoing work of redemption, following the example set by the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Current Stance: As of now, the messages received by Iveta Fernandes have not been officially recognized by the Church. However, the universal calls to prayer, repentance, conversion, reparation and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are in line with Catholic teachings and can be embraced by the faithful in their spiritual lives.
A Humble Appeal for the Proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma
Trust in Divine Timing
- The call for proclaiming Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate is deeply rooted in her role in salvation history. Despite recent negative rulings on other apparitions, trust in divine timing and the Church's guidance is crucial.
Humility and Obedience
- Faithful Catholics are called to respect the Church's directives while continuing to pray and hope for the eventual recognition of the 5th Marian Dogma. Messages to Iveta Fernandes emphasize humility and obedience, virtues that lead to fulfilling divine will.
Continued Devotion and Prayer
- Continued devotion to Mary and prayer for the Church's guidance are encouraged. Historical examples like Divine Mercy, Padre Pio, and Rosa Mystica show that persistent prayer can lead to the recognition of profound spiritual truths.
Current World Events and Prophetic Warnings
- The world is experiencing significant turmoil, including moral relativism, a rise in secularism, apostasy and conflicts that threaten global peace. According to the messages and prophecies given to Iveta Fernandes, these events align with the prophetic warnings about the end times. The call for increased prayer, reparation, and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is seen as essential in combating these spiritual crises. Our Lady emphasizes that the proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma is crucial for the Church to fully harness the graces needed to overcome these challenges and bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, as foretold at Fatima and Batim. Additionally, this prophetic proclamation would likely occur in response to a significant spiritual crisis or as part of a broader effort to deepen Marian devotion and reaffirm her role in salvation history. The faithful's persistent prayers and the perceived urgent need for Mary's intercession in contemporary times could catalyse this proclamation.
Eucharistic Miracle in 2023 and Validating Iveta Fernandes' Testimonies
- Iveta Fernandes has experienced Eucharistic miracles, such as the transformation of the Host into the Flesh of Christ during Holy Communion, witnessed by clergy like Rev. Fr. Antoine Emmanuel and testified by her late spiritual director, Rev. James H. Duffy. (See attached video)
- Spinning of the Sun Miracle: On October 14, 2016, many witnesses observed the spinning of the sun during the 'Visitation of Our Lady' at Mt. Batim, Goa, India. This event along with the request to proclaim the Dogma of Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix, and Advocate, has been captured on video and can be seen here in this video. These signs and miracles bolster the call for recognizing the 5th Marian Dogma.
The messages and prophecies given to Iveta Fernandes including that of the Pandemic are published in the Book: Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory and is available worldwide in English, French, Spanish and Italian.
Potential for Reversal and Development of the Negative Remark
Historical Reversals in Church Stance
- Examples include Padre Pio, initially restricted and later canonized, and the Divine Mercy devotion, initially banned and later universally embraced. Such reversals indicate that initial judgments can change based on new insights and theological reflection. The journey of the Rosa Mystica apparitions from initial scepticism to recent approval underscores the Church's cautious yet open approach to private revelations.
Process of Reversal and Development
1. Theological Advocacy and Research: Continuous research and advocacy by scholars can present robust theological arguments supporting contested titles and apparitions.
2. Ecclesial Movements: Lay organizations dedicated to Marian devotion can influence the reconsideration process, including the ensuing significant positive spiritual fruits and pastoral outcomes from increased prayer, penance, and devotion among the faithful.
3. Papal Support: Endorsements from the Pope and Church officials can significantly impact the reversal process.
4. Continued Veneration: Ongoing prayers, veneration of images, and devotions associated with contested apparitions keeps the momentum for eventual recognition.
The path to recognizing Mary's role as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate is marked by faith, perseverance, and trust in the Church's guidance. Historical examples show that with humility, prayer, and continued devotion, eventual acceptance and validation are possible.
In accordance with the directives of Pope Urban VIII and the new Vatican guidelines outlined in "Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena," we do not intend to pre-empt the judgment of the Holy Apostolic See and the Church regarding the apparitions reported by us. We fully submit to and accept the Church's final decision without reservation.