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The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima at the holy mount of Mt Batim, Ganxim, Goa Archdiocese, India began on 24th Sept 1994. I remember being present among the 3,000 or so faithful that gathered for the Fatima Day Service on 13th  October 1994 at the Church of St. Simon and St. Jude, Mt Batim. Iveta Fernandes, Victim soul and seer was present on this occasion. On that day many witnessed the sun spinning. There were other signs given on other occasions on this Holy Mount – in a way validating God's will working out through Our Lady.

Each one of us is called to be a co-redemptor in the Mystical body of Christ, having to – as St. Paul says in Col 1:24: “fill up those things that are wanting in the suffering of Christ,…for His body the Church.” . My family would often join me at Batim for the Frist Saturday Communion of Reparation Devotion – praying and offering sacrifices for our own conversion and that of sinners.

The basic core of the Fatima message is the gospel message of: INNER CONVERSION (METANOIA), REPARATION and PENANCE, “…I am Our Lady of Fatima. I have come because you have not fulfilled My Message…” (Our Lady's Message to Iveta at Batim on 13th October 1994). In one of Her messages to Iveta on Mt Batim on 13th  October 2014, Our Lady said: “….. I desire to make known as I have made known in the days gone by that this Holy Mountain Ganxim, lies in the Shadow of Fatima. It is the forerunner of the future. Know and understand – it is the continuation of Fatima – after the persecution into the era of Peace. I Who Am the Mother of God will lead you through these moments. Amen…” Initially we found it hard to believe the Apparitions and the messages coming out of Batim. However, Pope Urban VII's salutary advice comes to mind: “It is better to believe than not to believe, for, if you believe and it is proven true, you will be happy that you have believed, because Our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you believed it to be true”

Surely it is not for any trivial matter that Our loving Father sent Her to appeal to us. If we disregard Her messages - are we not in danger of hearing Him repeat to us what He had said to Jerusalem: “You did not recognize the time of your Visitation.” (Lk 19: 44). But, if like Elizabeth, we appreciate what a great GRACE it is for the Mother of God to come to us, may we not expect the sound of Her voice to bring us a new infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT?

There have been a number of rich and lasting spiritual fruits that many of the faithful (usually about 100 to 1000 at any given service) have experienced- such as:

-    A continual desire for INNER CONVERSION of self and neighbor.

-    A Spirit of Prayer, Penance and Sacrifice.

-    A  Spirit   of   Reparation   especially   EUCHARISTIC REPARATION and the promotion of Children and Youth Eucharistic Adoration and      Reparatory Services.

-    Performing works of charity – as in assisting Missionaries of Charity (St. Teresa of Calcutta's order), aged homes, the poor and downtrodden, etc.

-    Helping local ordinaries and Priests in various ways.


Among the many signs and miracles was the Eucharistic Miracle when Iveta received the Holy Communion on 13th   May 2009. I remember this miracle clearly which was witnessed by a number of devotees including 2 priests. The Sun spinning on 13th October 2014 was a powerful sign witnessed by many. The occurrence of these signs and miracles were brought to the attention of the Church. Let us remember signs and miracles as happened when Jesus walked upon the earth not only validated God's presence through the second person of the Trinity, but also confirmed the gospel message. Miracles and signs still happen through the course of history and even today.

The messages of prayer and devotion received at Mt. Batim are no different than that of the Catholic Church – namely: Prayer, penance, reparation, true presence and adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist and the Most Blessed Sacrament. The faithful gathered were also devoted to the daily Rosary, Eucharistic Reparation,the First Saturday Communion of Reparation and consecration to Our Lady. Prayers were also offered for Our Holy Fathers, Cardinals, bishops, priests, religious, etc.

Since 1994, Our Lady at Batim, Goa India has been requesting prayers and sacrifices for the fulfillment of:

1)   The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass be celebrated at Mt Batim.

2)   The Well to be opened at Mt Batim

3)   The Blessing and release of the Medal and Scapular of Our Lady, Mediatrix of all Graces.

4)   That prayers and sacrifices be offered for the proclamation of the 5th Dogma by the Pope.

The first 3 requests have been fulfilled. We request your prayers and sacrifices for the fulfillment of the 4th request.

PRESENT POSITION: Our Lady has been appealing for the proclamation  of  the  5th Dogma…  to  open  the  floodgates  of heaven…. (“…The Papal definition of Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate will bring forth great Graces to the Church….” - Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)……… help us endure the persecutions and sufferings of these times…


The messages that have come out of the Apparitions of Our Lady at Batim have promoted in my family a sense of holiness and love for the Church.

We acknowledge the authority of our Archbishop Patriarch and the local Parish Priest and declare our obedience to the Church. Interestingly the Goa and Daman Archdiocese - under which the Batim Parish is- used to be called the 'Rome of the East' following the evangelization of great men like St. Francis Xavier. We now have our own saint –in St Joseph Vaz and another one in the making - Venerable Agnelo of Pilar.




Dr Celcio Dias, MBBS MOBC TOTA

102/ 1 Assolna Salcete Goa India 403 701


In conformity with the directives of Pope Urban VIII, we have no intention of anticipating the judgement of the Holy Apostolic See and of the Church on Apparitions, reported by us, but not yet recognized; indeed, we submit to, and accept; her final decision without reservation

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